Tag - Macedonia
Population Exchange in Greek Macedonia: The Rural Settlement of Refugees 1922-1930 (Oxford Historical Monographs)
EAN 9780199278961 145.00 USD -
Alexander the Great (Lancaster Pamphlets in Ancient History)
EAN 9780415319324 30.02 USD -
The Legacy of Alexander: Politics, Warfare and Propaganda under the Successors
EAN 9780199285150 53.62 USD -
Macedonian Warrior: Alexander\"s Elite Infantryman
EAN 9781841769509 17.03 USD -
Bright Balkan Morning: Romani Lives and the Power of Music in Greek Macedonia
EAN 9780819564887 37.95 USD -
Arsinoe of Egypt and Macedon: A Royal Life (Women in Antiquity)
EAN 9780195365511 26.55 USD -
Envy of the Gods: Alexander the Great\"s Ill-Fated Journey Across Asia
EAN 9780306814426 16.95 USD -
The Macedonian War Machine 359-281 BC
EAN 9781848846180 37.95 USD -
The History of Alexander the Great:Translation of the Extant Historians bound with the Ephemerides of Alexander\"s Expedition
EAN 9780890055557 40.00 USD -
Making Peace Prevail: Preventing Violent Conflict in Macedonia (Peace and Conflict Resolution)
EAN 9780815606024 13.57 USD -
The Genius of Alexander the Great
EAN 9780807847442 20.97 USD -
Alejandro Magno (Grandes biografias series)
EAN 9788497645676 8.51 USD -
Villes et villages de Macedoine occidentale (Realites byzantines) (French Edition)
EAN 9782283604526 -
Philip II of Macedonia: Greater than Alexander
EAN 9781597975193 26.02 USD