Tag - Moldova
Arta bijuteriilor din Moldova (Romanian Edition)
EAN 9789731662367 20.48 USD -
The Bessarabian Question in Communist Historiography
EAN 9780880332842 51.50 USD -
Easter in Kishniev: Anatomy of a Pogrom (Reappraisals in Jewish Social and Intellectual History)
EAN 9780814741931 60.00 USD -
From Moldavia to Moldova
EAN 9780880332057 44.50 USD -
Felssprengungen Unter Wasser Bei Den Regulie-rungs-arbeiten In Der Donau Zwischen Moldova Und Turn-severin... (German Edition)
EAN 9781278997582 19.75 USD -
Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Ukraine and Modavia, Book 1 : General Bibliography and Institutional Directory (Archives & Manuscript Repositories in the U. S. S. R.)
EAN 9780691053912 175.00 USD -
Nation- and Statehood in Moldova: Ideological and political dynamics since the 1980s (Balkanologische Veroffentlichungen Des Osteuropa-Instituts An Der Freien Universitat Berlin)
EAN 9783447064729 70.20 USD -
Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History (International Library of Historical Studies)
EAN 9781780763538 89.10 USD -
Russia, the Near Abroad, and the West: Lessons from the Moldova-Transdniestria Conflict
EAN 9781421405650 52.23 USD -
The Union of Moldavia and Wallachia, 1859: An Episode in Diplomatic History
EAN 9781107601314 22.79 USD -
Razboiul din Afghanistan (1979-1989): In memoria participantilor din Moldova. Realitate istorice si imaginar social (Romanian Edition)
EAN 9789731662374 33.25 USD -
Bessarabia and Bukovina
EAN 9780880330039 46.50 USD -
Kniazhestva Valakhiia i Moldaviia: Konets XIV - Nachalo XIX vv: Ocherki Vneshnepoliticheskoi Istorii[The Kingdoms of Walachia and Moldova: The End of the 14th-early 19th centuries: Essays on the history of their foreign policy]
EAN 9785857593639 -
Romanii: Originea, trecutul, sacrificiile si drepturile lor (Biblioteca Moldova) (Romanian Edition)
EAN 9789739032056