Tag - Adolescent
By Benjamin James Sadock - Kaplan and Sadock\"s Concise Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 10th (tenth) Edition
EAN 8580000823974 -
L\"assiette et le miroir: L\"anorexie mentale de l\"enfant et de l\"adolescent (Sciences de l\"homme) (French Edition)
EAN 9782708974012 -
Teenagers and their hangups
EAN 9780823903283 -
Stress in Youth: A Five-year Study of the Psychiatric Treatment, Schooling and Care of 150 Adolescents (Nuffield Provisional Hospital Trust)
EAN 9780197213650 -
Adolescent Psychiatry (Korean edition)
EAN 9788997927050 -
Adolescent and Pre-Adolescent Psychiatry
EAN 9780808914730 -
La Crise d\"adolescence: Debats des psychanalystes avec des anthropologues, des ecrivains, des historiens, des logiciens, des psychiatres, des ... (L\"Espace analytique) (French Edition)
EAN 9782207230527 -
Uber die Schwierigkeit, erwachsen zu werden: Rauschmittel und Adoleszenzkrise : eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Grundlage einer dialektischen Interaktionstheorie (German Edition)
EAN 9783810800008 -
Management of Emotional Problems of Children and Adolescents
EAN 9780397503353 -
Metapsychotherapie de l\"enfant et de l\"adolescent: Questions de methode (Interfaces) (French Edition)
EAN 9782220036250 -
Le psychodrame analytique chez l\"enfant et l\"adolescent (Bibliotheque de psychanalyse) (French Edition)
EAN 9782130359906 -
Children of the asylum: The adolescent perspective on residential psychiatric treatment
EAN 9780895610416 -
The Print Shop 23 Deluxe for Schools: Network License
EAN 9780669028119 729.30 USD -
Delinquency and parental pathology: A study in forensic and clinical psychology,
EAN 9780286627566