Tag - Democratic Republic of Congo
Letters from Zaire: A Peace Corps Life in Africa
EAN 9781579217532 4.95 USD -
Patrice Lumumba: Africa\"s Lost Leader (Life&Times)
EAN 9781905791026 15.95 USD -
Rumba Rules: The Politics of Dance Music in Mobutu’s Zaire
EAN 9780822340911 81.89 USD -
Swimming in the Congo
EAN 9781571310064 13.95 USD -
Congo Democratic Republic A Spy Guide
EAN 9780739759899 173.93 USD -
Land and peoples of the Kasai;: Being a narrative of a two years\" journey among the cannibals of the equatorial forest and other savage tribes of the south-western Congo
EAN 9780837124186 -
A Leaf in the Wind: Travels in Africa
EAN 9780802710987 18.95 USD -
By the Grace of God
EAN 9780882821658 24.95 USD -
On the Gorilla Trail (Sisters of the Hunt)
EAN 9780811732062 19.95 USD -
The Congo Slave State: A Protest Against the New African Slavery; and an Appeal to the Public of Great Britain, of the United States, and of the Continent of Europe
EAN 9781148668635 18.48 USD -
Patrice Lumumba (Panaf Great Lives)
EAN 9780901787316 14.00 USD -
Congo Mercenary
EAN 9781581606393 27.68 USD -
A model of missional leadership training in a context of brokenness: A case study of the Restoration Missionary Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
EAN 9781243708236 65.55 USD -
The accidental anthropologist
EAN 9780963423214