Tag - Journalism & Nonfiction
From Kristallnacht to Watergate: Memoirs of a Newspaperman
EAN 9781438449173 25.84 USD -
The Newspaper Designer"s Handbook
EAN 9780073512044 98.23 USD -
The New York Times:The Complete Front Pages 1851-2009 Updated Edition
EAN 9781579128258 52.20 USD -
Travels with Myself and Another: A Memoir
EAN 9781585420902 13.24 USD -
Reporting for the Media
EAN 9780199846412 87.95 USD -
Inside Reporting
EAN 9780073526171 108.03 USD -
Damn! Why Didn"t I Write That?: How Ordinary People Are Raking in $100,000.00... or More Writing Nonfiction Books & How You Can Too!
EAN 9781884956553 13.99 USD -
Eyemazing: The New Collectible Photography
EAN 9780500516850 77.72 USD -
Journalism Today, Student Edition
EAN 9780078616167 97.71 USD -
The Harvest Gypsies (Reissue) (Paperback)
EAN 9781890771614 9.28 USD -
Contemporary Advertising
EAN 9780073530031 64.16 USD -
True Stories in the News: A Beginning Reader, 3rd Edition
EAN 9780136154815 27.20 USD -
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
EAN 9780393050936 22.43 USD -
True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society
EAN 9780470050101 23.68 USD