Tag - Civil Rights
The Second Amendment on Trial: Critical Essays on District of Columbia V. Heller
EAN 9781558499959 23.65 USD -
My Brother Ron: A Personal and Social History of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill
EAN 9781477667538 10.40 USD -
The Rights of Patients: The Authoritative ACLU Guide to the Rights of Patients, Third Edition (American Civil Liberties Union Handbook)
EAN 9780814705032 24.01 USD -
Legislating Morality: Is It Wise? Is It Legal? Is It Possible?
EAN 9781592441525 26.60 USD -
After Civil Rights: Racial Realism in the New American Workplace
EAN 9780691159966 32.12 USD -
Civil Rights Actions: Enforcing the Constitution (University Casebook Series: Cases and Materials)
EAN 9781599413396 189.00 USD -
Dignity Rights: Courts, Constitutions, and the Worth of the Human Person (Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism)
EAN 9780812244403 65.55 USD -
The Constitutional and Legal Rights of Women: Cases in Law and Social Change
EAN 9780195330748 65.93 USD -
Casenote Legal Briefs: Civil Procedure, Keyed to Freer & Perdue, Sixth Edition
EAN 9781454830207 37.98 USD -
White Women\"s Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States
EAN 9780195124668 27.12 USD -
Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice
EAN 9780199754311 13.61 USD -
All the Laws but One: Civil Liberties in Wartime
EAN 9780679767329 15.15 USD -
Challenge to China: How Taiwan Abolished Its Version of Re-Education Through Labor
EAN 9781614729327 34.12 USD -
Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice (Pivotal Moments in American History (Oxford))
EAN 9780195327144 17.05 USD