Tag - Software Reuse
Guide for Reusable Software: Assessment Criteria for Aerospace Applications
EAN 9781563470493 26.95 USD -
Software Reuse: Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success
EAN 9780201924763 79.99 USD -
Scala Design Patterns: Patterns for Practical Reuse and Design
EAN 9783319021911 99.42 USD -
Software Reuse: Methods, Techniques, and Tools: 7th International Conference, ICSR-7, Austin, TX, USA, April 15-19, 2002. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
EAN 9783540434832 89.22 USD -
Behavioral Synthesis and Component Reuse with VHDL
EAN 9781461378990 168.68 USD -
Software Re-Use, Utrecht 1989: Proceedings of the Software Re-Use Workshop, 23-24 Nov, 1989, Utrecht, the Netherlands (Workshops in Computing)
EAN 9780387196527 44.95 USD -
Rlisp \"88: An Evolutionary Approach to Program Design and Reuse (Series in Computer Science)
EAN 9789810214791 90.67 USD -
Information Systems: Correctness and Reusability : Selected Papers from the Is-Core Workshop : Amsterdam 26-30 September 1994
EAN 9789810222406 79.00 USD -
Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models
EAN 9780201895421 58.70 USD -
Object-Oriented Simulation: Reusability, Adaptability, Maintainability
EAN 9780780310612 179.19 USD -
Managing Software Reuse
EAN 9780135523735 63.87 USD -
Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java(TM) Components
EAN 9780131478305 44.99 USD -
Object-oriented software development: Engineering software for reuse
EAN 9780442001575 -
Fourth International Conference on Software Reuse: April 23-26, 1996 Orlando, Florida USA : Proceedings
EAN 9780818673016 60.00 USD