Tag - Emigrants & Immigrants
They Came to Wisconsin (New Badger History)
EAN 9780870203282 15.15 USD -
The Irish Americans (Major American Immigration)
EAN 9781422206751 9.93 USD -
Angel Island (American Symbols)
EAN 9781404847040 24.69 USD -
Ellis Island: New Hope in a New Land
EAN 9780684191713 17.89 USD -
Italian Americans (We Are America)
EAN 9781403401663 26.79 USD -
Immigrants in America - Primary Sources
EAN 9781590180099 27.27 USD -
Immigration (Cornerstones of Freedom: Third)
EAN 9780531281574 8.51 USD -
Korean Americans (The New Immigrants)
EAN 9780791087886 28.50 USD -
Chinese (Immigrants in America)
EAN 9781560067511 30.85 USD -
The Japanese (We Came to North America)
EAN 9780778702078 8.95 USD -
Long Walk to Water
EAN 9781936223121 30.66 USD -
Migration in the 21st Century: How Will Globalization and Climate Change Affect Human Migration and Settlement? (Investigating Human Migration & Settlement)
EAN 9780778751960 9.62 USD -
Meltem"s Journey: A Refugee Diary
EAN 9781847800312 17.35 USD -
A Changing Nation (Making a New Nation)
EAN 9781403478375 8.69 USD