Tag - Функциональный анализ. Теория функций
QRAM Qualitative Occupational Safety Risk Assessment Model: For the construction industry which incorporate uncertainties by the use of fuzzy sets
EAN 9783659456848 83.21 USD -
Validating Sub-sea gas pipeline leaks discharge model for Arabian Sea
EAN 9783659331237 67.89 USD -
Mergers & Acquisitions In Indian Banking Sector: Basics, Concepts & Analysis
EAN 9783659334061 67.39 USD -
Fundamental Domains and the Riemann Hypothesis
EAN 9783659314933 80.51 USD -
Maritime Security Challanges: Case Study of India Ocean
EAN 9783659290619 79.51 USD -
Departed Time Compensators for Stable Processes: Synchronization is Necessary for Every Real Systems
EAN 9783659314506 80.51 USD -
Analytical method development and validation by uv and hplc techniques: UV,HPLC,Dissolution methods
EAN 9783659247972 81.01 USD -
Challenges in measuring Poverty in Tanzania: Challenges in Measuring Poverty in Tanzania
EAN 9783659273629 66.39 USD -
Impacts of Revolutionary Movements on Rising Status of India: Case Study of Naxalite Movement
EAN 9783659294730 79.51 USD -
Riemann_Stieltjes Integral: Bsic Properties of Riemann_Stieltjes Integral
EAN 9783659285264 66.39 USD -
Determination of Dioxins/Furans in Jordanian Clay
EAN 9783659231551 91.21 USD -
Pharmacokinetic Assessment Of Sitagliptin By HPLC: Estimation of Sitagliptin by HPLC
EAN 9783659224713 65.39 USD -
Spatial Model for Cholera Case Prediction: In a small area of Bangladesh
EAN 9783659220609 65.39 USD -
Numerical Analysis on Simplified 2D Model of Heart Valve: Effect of Blood Flow Velocity and Leaflet Displacement with Different shape of heart valve leaflets During Cardiac Cycle
EAN 9783659218507 91.42 USD