Tag - William Andrew
Fiber Optic Component Design, Fabrication, Testing, Operation, Reliability and Maintainability
EAN 9780815512035 200.71 USD -
High Temperature Corrosion of Ceramics
EAN 9780815511885 201.43 USD -
Agricultural Chemical Products
EAN 9780815511748 204.43 USD -
Control of Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Incincerators (Pollution Technology Review)
EAN 9780815512097 197.42 USD -
Hazardous Waste Reducation in the Metal Finishing Industry (Pollution Technology Review)
EAN 9780815512233 197.42 USD -
Surface Preparation Techniques for Adhesive Bonding (Materials Science and Process Technology Series)
EAN 9780815511984 196.07 USD -
Housing, Care and Psychological Well-Being of Captive and Laboratory Primates (Noyes Series in Animal Behavior, Ecology, Conservation, and Management)
EAN 9780815512011 194.68 USD -
Applied Superconductivity
EAN 9780815511915 190.50 USD -
Troubleshooting and Human Factors in Automated Manufacturing Systems
EAN 9780815511878 190.50 USD -
Volatilization Technologies for Removing Organics from Water (Pollution Technology Review)
EAN 9780815511892 185.82 USD -
Acidic Emissions Control Technology and Costs (Pollution Technology Review)
EAN 9780815512080 153.79 USD -
Inherently Conducting Polymers: Processing, Fabrication, Applications, Limitations
EAN 9780815511908 139.33 USD -
Hazardous Waste Management Facilities Directory: Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recycling
EAN 9780941459020 89.13 USD -
Industrial Minerals and Their Uses: A Handbook and Formulary
EAN 9780815514084 286.04 USD