Tag - Музейное дело. Архивное дело
Сохранность и доступность культурных исторических памятников. Современные подходы. Материалы VI международной научно-практической конференции, 20-22 октября 2009 г.
EAN 9785819203705 1.60 USD -
The Secret Museum
EAN 9780007455287 8.89 USD -
List of works in the Galleria Nazionale di Capodimonte
EAN 9785508983758 13.96 USD -
Conservation and restoration of copper-based objects
EAN 9785508828370 17.55 USD -
Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
EAN 9785512640708 15.75 USD -
List of 20th-century women artists
EAN 9785508656386 15.75 USD -
List of churches preserved by the Churches Conservation Trust in the English Midlands
EAN 9785513132653 15.75 USD -
Still Life: Vase with Pink Roses (Van Gogh)
EAN 9785513876885 19.84 USD -
List of churches preserved by the Churches Conservation Trust in the East of England
EAN 9785513140702 19.84 USD -
International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts
EAN 9785512808146 22.12 USD -
List of churches preserved by the Churches Conservation Trust in Southeast England
EAN 9785513338284 19.84 USD -
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
EAN 9785514089352 17.59 USD -
Manuel Des Origines De La Guerre: Causes Lointaines--cause Immédiate, Avec Un Tableau Synoptique... (French Edition)
EAN 9781275021761 26.25 USD -
История коллекционирования живописи в Санкт-Петербурге в XVIII веке
EAN 9788901805498 18.86 USD