Tag - New Directions Publishing
Baby Doll
EAN 9780811204057 5.59 USD -
Dragon Country: A Book of Plays
EAN 9780811204064 9.24 USD -
New Directions 25: An International Anthology of Prose and Poetry (New Directions in Prose and Poetry) (v. 25)
EAN 9780811204477 10.58 USD -
New Directions 25-1972
EAN 9780811204484 6.54 USD -
Finnegans Wake: A Symposium
EAN 9780811204460 14.48 USD -
Small Craft Warnings
EAN 9780811204613 10.21 USD -
Jean Racine
EAN 9780811204637 21.42 USD -
The Poet in the World
EAN 9780811204927 11.51 USD -
Trilogy: The Walls Do Not Fall, Tribute to the Angels, The Flowering of the Rod
EAN 9780811204910 10.82 USD -
The Poet in the World (New directions paperbooks)
EAN 9780811204934 10.82 USD -
Women of Messina (New Directions Book)
EAN 9780811204965 11.51 USD -
Vittorini Women of Messina
EAN 9780811204972 4.62 USD -
New Directions in Prose and Poetry 26
EAN 9780811204774 4.91 USD -
Invisibility is the Art of Survival
EAN 9780811204514 3.56 USD