Tag - Термодинамика и статистическая физика
SOPRYaZhENNYE ZADAChI ESTESTVENNOY KONVEKTsII: Zamknutye oblasti s lokal"nymi istochnikami teplovydeleniya (Russian Edition)
EAN 9783845472935 93.92 USD -
Two Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels: Two-phase heat transfer
EAN 9783845434117 84.01 USD -
Elektronnyy kurs teplomassoobmena. Tom 1: Matematicheskie i komp"yuternye modeli teplomassoobmena (Russian Edition)
EAN 9783639653151 149.32 USD -
Reduced Detonation in Diesel engine: Study and Analysis of Diesel Engine for Proper Development of Power with less Detonation Using Mixture of Alcohol Fuels
EAN 9783845406565 97.42 USD -
Thermodynamic Properties of Some Metals at High Temperatures: Mean-Field Theory and Thermodynamics
EAN 9783846518472 110.25 USD -
The Solubility of Volatile Organic Compounds in Biodiesel
EAN 9783848425846 97.77 USD -
Characterisation of a Thermal Energy Storage System: A Research work submitted to the North West University in South Africa for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
EAN 9783659364105 107.75 USD -
Thermodynamic properties and pairing correlations in heavy nuclei
EAN 9783659434839 52.51 USD -
A study on some hydromagnetic free convective laminar flows
EAN 9783659442636 79.60 USD -
Phase Behavior of Water-Hydrocarbon Systems:: Gas Hydrate Equilibria and Salt Precipitation
EAN 9783847321354 107.75 USD -
Simulation of RFA of liver tumors: Development of a power regulation model and comparison with microwave ablation
EAN 9783659198397 64.89 USD -
Characteristic Analysis on Thermoelastic Micro-continuum Solid
EAN 9783659438608 99.54 USD -
Molekulyarnaya fizika i termodinamika: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy (Russian Edition)
EAN 9783639875867 93.85 USD -
On Phase-Transition Radiation of Water: A First Fundamental Approach
EAN 9783659205149 90.92 USD