Tag - Онкология. Опухоли
Рак молочной железы. Биология, местное и системное лечение
EAN 9785918940389 10.31 USD -
NOTCH signaling as a novel target for cancer: NOTCH signaling as a novel target for cancer therapy
EAN 9783844395709 80.84 USD -
Anticancer Drug Development
EAN 9780120726516 168.24 USD -
DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications
EAN 9780123849991 124.54 USD -
Third Opinion on Prostate Cancer
EAN 9781615660216 10.96 USD -
Recent Advances in Cancer Research and Therapy (Elsevier Insights)
EAN 9780123978332 141.11 USD -
Applications of viruses for cancer therapy, Volume 115 (Advances in Cancer Research)
EAN 9780123983428 163.18 USD -
Lead Compounds from Medicinal Plants for the Treatment of Cancer (Pharmaceutical Leads from Medicinal Plants)
EAN 9780123983718 143.85 USD -
Intratumor Diversity and Clonal Evolution in Cancer (Advances in Cancer Research, Vol. 112)
EAN 9780123876881 162.93 USD -
Surviving Cancer: One Woman\"s Story and Her Inspiring Program for Anyone Facing a Cancer Diagnosis
EAN 9780767907156 15.87 USD -
Harrisons Manual of Oncology 2/E
EAN 9780071793254 89.48 USD -
Oncology at a Glance
EAN 9781118369692 42.58 USD -
Internal Medical Care of Cancer Patients
EAN 9781550093124 56.27 USD -
Onkourologiya. Farmakoterapiya bez oshibok. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey. Pod red. Rusakova I.G., Borisova V.I.
EAN 9785906023070 11.98 USD