Tag - Сестринское дело. Медицинский персонал
Paramedic ambulance Feldsher skoroy pomoshchi / Feldsher skoroy pomoschi: Uchebnoe posobie (In Russian)
EAN 9785222027851 6.52 USD -
Spravochnik glavnoy meditsinskoy sestry
EAN 9785970439890 12.31 USD -
Planirovanie chislennosti meditsinskih rabotnikov sanatorno-kurortnyh organizatsiy
EAN 9785970438183 7.76 USD -
Справочник фельдшера
EAN 9785222021750 4.47 USD -
TELA. Rukovodstvo dlya prakticheskih vrachey
EAN 9785699853175 3.93 USD -
Clinical Nursing Supervision at Governmental Hospitals Gaza-Palestine
EAN 9783659448034 90.21 USD -
Nurses" knowledge / practice for the patients undergoing hemodialysis: Guideline for nurses working in Hemodialysis
EAN 9783659575921 67.03 USD -
Psychological therapies and mental health nursing: The therapeutic role of the mental health nurse: Implications for the practice of psychological therapies
EAN 9783639519778 146.20 USD -
Wound Management For Nurses: Wound Management
EAN 9783659237331 79.51 USD -
Obuchenie sestrinskogo personala zdorov"esberegayushchemu povedeniyu: Sbornik statey (Russian Edition)
EAN 9783659619465 46.76 USD -
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative And Practices Of Nursing Mothers: Evaluation Of Role Of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative On The Knowledge And Practices Of Nursing Mothers
EAN 9783659303524 66.39 USD -
Bloodborne Diseases Prevention and infection control for nurses: What nurses should know about bloodborne diseases hazards and prevention?
EAN 9783659582844 101.33 USD -
Nurses" Knowledge and Practices in Patients Undergoing CABG
EAN 9783659582868 74.80 USD -
Stroke survivors with aphasia and their social participation
EAN 9783846500651 92.92 USD