Tag - Электричество и магнетизм
Dielectric Phenomena in High Voltage Engineering
EAN 9781406783377 31.84 USD -
Lectures on the Electromagnet
EAN 9781443710770 9.38 USD -
Induction Coil: Theory and Applications
EAN 9781406711097 40.31 USD -
Elektromagnitnoe pole: V 2-h chastyah. Chast¿ 1
EAN 9785458345361 11.89 USD -
Audiovisual Equipment and Materials II
EAN 9780810822658 53.29 USD -
Nikola Tesla: Colorado Springs Notes, 1899-1900
EAN 9789562914628 23.15 USD -
Elements of Construction for Electromagnets
EAN 9781603860420 13.99 USD -
The Electromagnetic Field - Aberration And Other Connected Problems
EAN 9781603861144 13.90 USD -
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory: LabVIEW-Based FPGA Implementation
EAN 9781599425504 53.15 USD -
Bibliographical History of Electricity and Magnetism
EAN 9781406754766 43.48 USD -
MathCAD for Electrical Engineers and Technologists
EAN 9780981975313 27.75 USD -
SKM, ETAP, & EDSA Power System Analysis Tutorials
EAN 9780981975306 37.91 USD -
Electrical Power Projects and Facts
EAN 9780965944618 16.54 USD -
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 169
EAN 9780123859815 240.93 USD