Tag - Налоговая практика
Taxing intellectual property transactions in developing countries: The case of pharmaceutical indusrty in Egypt and India
EAN 9783659490385 82.44 USD -
The Minnesota Income Tax Experiments
EAN 9783659466823 69.03 USD -
Taxation of Financial Securities in India
EAN 9783659482618 103.83 USD -
Vietnam Double Taxation Agreements: Selected Tax Avoidance Treaties
EAN 9783659343728 108.75 USD -
Taxation of Small Business Enterprises in Uganda: Efficiency of Presumptive Taxation of Small Business Enterprises in Uganda
EAN 9783659437465 89.21 USD -
Egyptian Business Income Taxation: A Guide to Investors and Practitioners
EAN 9783659229671 90.92 USD -
Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Market Prices of the Products: A Study in Andhra Pradesh State
EAN 9783659340703 93.92 USD -
Countering Tax Avoidance in the Provision of Personal Services: In the United Kingdom and Poland
EAN 9783659332517 67.89 USD -
The Room For Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques In Tax Disputes: Comparative Perspective And Lessons For Ethiopia
EAN 9783659278648 79.51 USD -
Financing Local Governments in Africa through Property Taxation: Case Study of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly in Ghana
EAN 9783659271281 80.01 USD -
Luxury Excise Tax: Fiscal Effects and Political Purposes of Introducing Luxury Excise Tax in Armenia
EAN 9783659257216 66.39 USD -
The influence of tax education on tax compliance attitude: The relationship between level of tax knowledge and tax compliance attitude
EAN 9783659207853 104.75 USD -
Applicatin and effect VAT tax in Republic of Kosovo: Applicatin of VAT over 150 countries worldwide and Kosovo
EAN 9783659216688 97.77 USD -
Virtual Worlds and Tax Deductions - A South African Perspective: Tax Deductions on Virtual World Income Earned By South Africans
EAN 9783659161216 65.89 USD