Tag - Конституционное (государственное) право
Handbook on the Construction and Interpretation of the Laws
EAN 9781616191504 69.78 USD -
Development of Administrative Law in Papua New Guinea
EAN 9789980852991 40.98 USD -
Americas Supreme Court: An Unfinished Symphony (Legal History Series)
EAN 9781600420238 55.41 USD -
Tanzania. The Legal Foundations of The Union 2nd Edition
EAN 9789976600698 30.20 USD -
Territorialnoe ustroystvo sovremennogo gosudarstva: konstitutsionno-pravovye problemy. Monografiya.
EAN 9785906226617 9.17 USD -
Vnesudebnyy protsess v pravozaschitnoy deyatelnosti upolnomochennyh po pravam cheloveka
EAN 9785971008415 6.31 USD -
Territorialnoe ustroystvo Rossii. Konstitutsionno-pravovye problemy
EAN 9785971006619 11.47 USD -
Whistle Blowing - Orange County Style
EAN 9781460211007 11.60 USD -
The Nature of Rights at the American Founding and Beyond (Constitutionalism and Democracy)
EAN 9780813934464 59.17 USD -
Современное зарубежное избирательное право
EAN 9785922809535 6.22 USD -
Tort Liability for Human Rights Abuses
EAN 9781841137940 34.90 USD -
Compendium of Codes of Legal Practice, Conduct, Ethics and Etiquette in East Africa
EAN 9781904855545 50.05 USD -
Journal of the Federal Convention Kept by James Madison
EAN 9781616192952 51.24 USD -
Izbrannye trudy V 7 tomakh Tom 2 Istochniki konstitutsionnogo prava Rossiskoi Federatsii
EAN 9785392020393 10.56 USD