Tag - Бухгалтерский учет. Аудит
Accounting for budget institutions (Russia, France). Textbook for high schools / Bukhgalterskiy uchet v byudzhetnykh uchrezhdeniyakh (Rossiya, Frantsiya).Uchebnoe posobie dlya VUZov
EAN 9785406002407 5.39 USD -
Accounting for small and medium business / Uchet na predpriyatiyakh malogo i srednego biznesa
EAN 9785394010385 2.77 USD -
Accounting and analysis of bankruptcies. Textbook / Uchet i analiz bankrotstv. Uchebnik
EAN 9785370013041 4.02 USD -
Accounting Theory A Textbook for students of secondary vocational schools - 2 ed., A stereotype. - (Secondary vocational education, economics and management ") (neck) / Teoriya bukhgalterskogo ucheta Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov srednikh professionalnykh uchebnykh zavedeniy - 2-e izd.,stereotip. - ("Srednee professionalnoe obrazovanie-Ekonomika i upravlenie") (GRIF)
EAN 9785769563126 3.86 USD -
Судебная бухгалтерия: Учебное пособие для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям (021100) "Юриспруденция", (060500) "Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит" - 2-е изд., перераб
EAN 9785238013275 3.23 USD -
Short course International Standards on Auditing Kratkiy kurs Mezhdunarodnye standarty audita
EAN 9785974505195 0.84 USD -
Short course audit 3rd ed Sr Kratkiy kurs po auditu 3 e izd ster
EAN 9785974506703 0.94 USD -
Internal audit control Textbook Grif Umo VNUTRENNIY AUDIT I KONTROL Uchebnik GRIF UMO
EAN 9785801804408 3.19 USD -
Management accounting Workshop. 7 ed / Bukhgalterskiy upravlencheskiy uchet Praktikum. 7-e izd
EAN 9785394006418 2.15 USD -
Audit accounts budget for Value Added Tax Theory Practice Teaching aid Audit raschetov s byudzhetom po nalogu na dobavlennuyu stoimost teoriya i praktika Ucheb posob
EAN 9785279034161 2.95 USD -
Introduction to the accounting profession teaching. allowance / Vvedenie v professiyu bukhgaltera ucheb. posobie
EAN 9785977601078 4.19 USD -
Bukhgalterski uchet: Uprazhneniya, testy, resheniya i otvety
EAN 9785955800882 5.97 USD -
Accounting analysis audit insurance companies Bukhgalterskiy uchet analiz i audit deyatelnosti strakhovykh organizatsiy
EAN 9785279032570 5.55 USD -
Accounting Accounting Accounting Financial Statements Volume (part) 3. Tutorial / Bukhgalterskiy uchet Bukhgalterskiy uchet bukhgalterskaya finansovaya otchetnost Tom(chast) 3. Uchebnik
EAN 9785279033430 2.94 USD