Tag - Pergamon Press
EAN 9780080402727 800.21 USD -
Distributed Databases in Real-Time Control (IFAC Workshop Series)
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Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering Supplementary Volume 2 (Encyclopedia in Materials Science and Engineering - Supplement)
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Foundryman"s Handbook
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Foundryman"s Handbook, Ninth Edition: Facts, Figures, & Formulae
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The Economics of Production & Innovation: an Industrial Perspective, Second Edition (Omega Management Science Series)
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EAN 9780080342115 88.70 USD -
EAN 9780080423050 453.45 USD -
EAN 9780080426754 314.05 USD -
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Intelligent Components for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles (IFAC Proceedings Volumes)
EAN 9780080426037 109.95 USD -
EAN 9780080432175 213.07 USD -
EAN 9780080432168 213.07 USD -
EAN 9780080432144 189.33 USD