Tag - politics & current events
Tracking the Media: Interpretations of Mass Media Discourses in India and Pakistan
EAN 9780415480628 112.25 USD -
Immigrants, Literature and National Integration (New Perspectives in German Political Studies)
EAN 9780230230453 88.93 USD -
Security and Global Governmentality: Globalization, Governance and the State (PRIO New Security Studies)
EAN 9780415560580 133.59 USD -
United Nations Development Programme and System (UNDP) (Global Institutions)
EAN 9780415776493 114.75 USD -
Robert"s Rules of Order (Updated / Revised) (Paperback)
EAN 9780425116906 4.91 USD -
The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America
EAN 9781596985254 15.02 USD -
Global Politics and the Responsibility to Protect: From Words to Deeds
EAN 9780415567367 39.59 USD -
Capturing Campaign Dynamics, 2000 and 2004: The National Annenberg Election Survey
EAN 9780812219449 34.06 USD -
Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society
EAN 9780761970705 48.88 USD -
Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach (10th Edition)
EAN 9780205755165 111.81 USD -
Political Parties and Electoral Change: Party Responses to Electoral Markets
EAN 9780761947196 53.88 USD -
Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)
EAN 9780812243604 54.24 USD -
We Fight To Win: Inequality and the Politics of Youth Activism (Series in Childhood Studies)
EAN 9780813546704 23.02 USD -
Screening the Public Sphere: Media and Democracy in India
EAN 9780415812443 86.20 USD