Tag - Getty Publications
In Focus: Edward Weston: Photographs From the J. Paul Getty Museum
EAN 9780892368099 15.56 USD -
The Art of Mantua: Power and Patronage in the Renaissance
EAN 9780892368402 -
The Restoration of Engravings, Drawings, Books, and Other Works on Paper (Getty Trust Publications: Getty Conservation Institute)
EAN 9780892368358 54.19 USD -
Paris: Life & Luxury in the Eighteenth Century
EAN 9781606060520 29.47 USD -
Walker Evans (Reprint) (Paperback)
EAN 9781606060643 21.09 USD -
In Focus: Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
EAN 9780892366255 14.78 USD -
In Focus: Alfred Stieglitz : Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
EAN 9780892363032 14.85 USD