Tag - Niger
Missions to Niger 1 (Hakluyt Society Second) (v. 1)
EAN 9780521010115 -
Anatomie Du Corselet Et Histolyse Des Muscles Vibrateurs, Après Le Vol Nuptial, Chez La Reine De La Fourmi (Lasius Niger). (French Edition)
EAN 9781149082874 21.95 USD -
Die Fadenpilze, Aspergillus Flavus, Niger U. Fumigatus: Eurotium Repens (U. Aspergillus Glaucus) Und Ihre Beziehungen Zur Otomycosis Aspergillina (German Edition)
EAN 9781149081174 17.72 USD -
The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States and Official Report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party
EAN 9781591021599 19.99 USD -
An Appeal To The Government And People Of Great Britain: Against The Proposed Niger Expedition: A Letter, Addressed To The Right Hon. Lord John Russell
EAN 9781173708856 19.66 USD -
The Izon of the Niger Delta
EAN 9789788195009 73.80 USD -
Telling Stories, Making Histories/women, words, and islam in nineteenth-century hausaland and the sokoto caliphate (Social History of Africa)
EAN 9780325070124 43.88 USD -
The Gospel on the Banks of the Niger: Journals and Notices of the Native Missionaries Accompanying the Niger Expedition of 1857-1859 (Cambridge Library Collection - Religion)
EAN 9781108011846 43.88 USD -
Anatomie Du Corselet Et Histolyse Des Muscles Vibrateurs, Après Le Vol Nuptial: Chez La Reine De La Fourmi (lasius Niger)... (French Edition)
EAN 9781279678503 21.05 USD -
British Nigeria: A Geographical And Historical Description Of The British Possessions Adjacent To The Niger River, West Africa
EAN 9781245651752 31.00 USD -
Great Boys: An African Childhood
EAN 9780865435742 24.95 USD -
Contribution a l\"histoire des populations de Sud-Est nigerien: Le cas du Mangari (XVIe-XIXe s.) (Etudes nigeriennes) (French Edition)
EAN 9782859210533 -
British Nigeria; a Geographical and Historical Description of the British Possessions Adjacent to the Niger River, West Africa
EAN 9781313525602 28.36 USD -
Anatomy of the Niger Delta Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Opportunities for Peace (African Politics / Politiques Africaines)
EAN 9783643106391 41.50 USD