Tag - Tragedy
Roman Tragedy
EAN 9780415251037 38.85 USD -
Sophocles: An Interpretation
EAN 9780521296847 44.98 USD -
Coriolanus (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
EAN 9780521728744 15.37 USD -
The Oxford Shakespeare: Julius Caesar (Oxford World"s Classics)
EAN 9780199536122 8.53 USD -
Ion (Greek Tragedy in New Translations)
EAN 9780195094510 22.58 USD -
The Textual History of King Lear
EAN 9780859675369 60.00 USD -
Aristotle Poetics
EAN 9780486200422 14.20 USD -
I Am Hamlet
EAN 9780802132246 13.30 USD -
Julius Caesar (Ignatius Critical Editions)
EAN 9781586176167 5.66 USD -
Coriolanus (The Critics Debate)
EAN 9780391036444 8.50 USD -
Plough and the Stars, The (Acting Edition)
EAN 9780573013447 16.23 USD -
Masks of Macbeth
EAN 9780874134865 19.95 USD -
Three Elizabethan Domestic Tragedies (Penguin Classics)
EAN 9780140430394 6.95 USD -
Hamlet (Signature Shakespeare)
EAN 9781402795916 26.05 USD