Tag - Executive Branch
Understanding the Presidency (7th Edition)
EAN 9780205864683 106.58 USD -
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
EAN 9781561712496 19.75 USD -
Whitewash: The Report on the Warren Report
EAN 9781626361102 13.21 USD -
Appointment in Dallas
EAN 9780786033157 6.64 USD -
Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat
EAN 9780700618293 26.46 USD -
The Presidential Difference: Leadership Style from FDR to Barack Obama (Third Edition)
EAN 9780691143835 35.43 USD -
The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents
EAN 9781569804766 27.79 USD -
Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case (Second Edition)
EAN 9781620870563 15.24 USD -
Prisoners of the White House: The Isolation of America\"s Presidents and the Crisis of Leadership
EAN 9781612051604 24.07 USD -
The Final Days
EAN 9780743274067 15.24 USD -
The Politics of the Presidency
EAN 9781608717972 66.97 USD -
The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776-2011
EAN 9781608712816 63.24 USD -
Don\"t Know Much About® the American Presidents
EAN 9781401324087 27.99 USD -
Leading Men: Presidential Campaigns and the Politics of Manhood
EAN 9781566569033 17.26 USD