Tag - Ukraine
History of Ukraine-Rus\", Vol. 1: From Prehistory to the Eleventh Century
EAN 9781895571196 79.42 USD -
The Next Generation in Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan: Youth, Politics, Identity, and Change
EAN 9780742549456 86.56 USD -
Ukrainian Armies 1914-55 (Men-at-Arms)
EAN 9781841766683 16.29 USD -
Chernobyl: The Forbidden Truth
EAN 9780803299108 10.00 USD -
Travel Guide to Jewish Russia & Ukraine
EAN 9781565543553 23.75 USD -
Fighting for Freedom: The Ukrainian Volunteer Division of the Waffen-Ss
EAN 9780918184054 24.95 USD -
A History of Ukraine
EAN 9780802078209 39.91 USD -
The Abyss of Despair (Yeven Metzulah): The Famous 17th Century Chronicle Depicting Jewish Life in Russia and Poland during the Chmielnicki Massacres of 1648-1649
EAN 9780878559275 27.50 USD -
Decision in the Ukraine: German Panzer Operations on the Eastern Front, Summer 1943 (Stackpole Military History Series)
EAN 9780811711623 18.61 USD -
Picnic at the Iron Curtain: A Memoir: From the fall of the Berlin Wall to Ukraine\"s Orange Revolution
EAN 9780987966407 14.24 USD -
Holodomor: The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1933 (Poland and Ukraine in the 1930s-1940s: Unknown Documents from the Archives of the Secret Services)
EAN 9788376290775 -
A Red Boyhood: Growing Up Under Stalin
EAN 9780826217875 28.45 USD -
Hell\"s Gate: The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket, January-February 1944
EAN 9780965758437 66.45 USD -
The Lemberg Mosaic
EAN 9780983109105 40.00 USD