Tag - Prayerbooks
Prayers for Emotional Wholeness: 365 Prayers for Living in Freedom
EAN 9780736928281 14.10 USD -
Prayers: A Communion with Our Creator
EAN 9781878424525 12.95 USD -
Be Still and Get Going: A Jewish Meditation Practice for Real Life
EAN 9780316739108 15.47 USD -
Hasidic Prayer (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization)
EAN 9781874774181 33.17 USD -
The Word We Celebrate: Commentary on the Sunday Lectionary, Years A, B & C
EAN 9781556123023 40.86 USD -
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer: The Ashkenazic and Sephardic Rites
EAN 9781568218854 67.52 USD -
Building Singing Communities: A Practical Guide to Unlocking the Power of Music in Jewish Prayer
EAN 9780983325307 14.99 USD -
Prayer for Each Day
EAN 9781579990299 14.25 USD -
Sunday Dismissals for the RCIA
EAN 9780814621455 28.45 USD -
The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime
EAN 9780385504768 18.75 USD -
The Church\"s Most Powerful Novenas
EAN 9781592760978 13.71 USD -
Prayers That Prevail for Your Children
EAN 9780932081391 10.99 USD -
Seven Prayers That Can Change Your Life
EAN 9780740718953 12.95 USD -
Introduction to the Devout Life
EAN 9780818906343 10.24 USD