Tag - Egypt
Imhotep the African: Architect of the Cosmos
EAN 9781938875007 21.93 USD -
The Struggle for Egypt: From Nasser to Tahrir Square (Council on Foreign Relations (Oxford))
EAN 9780199931774 16.04 USD -
A Coptic Grammar: With Chrestomathy and Glossary. Sahidic Dialect (PORTA LINGUARUM ORIENTALIUM)
EAN 9783447062008 88.11 USD -
Colonising Egypt: With a new preface
EAN 9780520075689 41.32 USD -
The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ: Natural Genesis and Typology of Equinoctial Christolatry
EAN 9781585090730 17.64 USD -
The Moses Mystery: The Egyptian Origins of the Jewish People
EAN 9780981496603 19.52 USD -
The Third Crusade 1191: Richard the Lionheart, Saladin and the battle for Jerusalem (Campaign)
EAN 9781841768687 15.74 USD -
The Valley of the Kings
EAN 9788854406292 -
Fun with Egyptian Stencils (Dover Stencils)
EAN 9780486282046 1.43 USD -
Fun with Hearts Stencils (Dover Stencils)
EAN 9780486272146 1.43 USD -
The Suez Crisis 1956 (Essential Histories)
EAN 9781841764184 17.62 USD -
The Pharaoh: Life at Court and On Campaign
EAN 9780500051740 33.85 USD -
Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile
EAN 9789774164781 50.76 USD -
Stolen Legacy
EAN 9781585093489 15.46 USD