Producer - Random House Business Book
Dark Pools
EAN 9781847940988 13.99 USD -
How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
EAN 9781847940421 24.21 USD -
Built to Last
EAN 9781844135844 9.79 USD -
Scrum: A revolutionary approach to building teams, beating deadlines, and boosting productivity
EAN 9781847941084 29.82 USD -
Good to Great" and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Accompany "Good to Great"
EAN 9781905211326 13.42 USD -
Management in 10 Words
EAN 9781847940896 23.09 USD -
Great by Choice
EAN 9781847940889 34.65 USD -
Scaling Up Excellence
EAN 9781847940995 15.53 USD -
Dark Pools
EAN 9781847940971 26.99 USD -
Good To Great : Why Some Companies Make The Leap and Others Don"t
EAN 9780712676090 48.30 USD -
Quants: The Maths Geniuses Who Brought Down Wall Street
EAN 9781847940599 23.04 USD