Producer - Журнал "Горячая линия бухгалтера"
Single tax on imputed income 2006 Topical special issue of the journal hotline accountant. " / Edinyy nalog na vmenennyy dokhod 2006 Tematicheskiy spetsvypusk zhurnala "Goryachaya liniya bukhgaltera".
EAN 9785981720338 2.06 USD -
Normirovanie truda za rubezhom
EAN 9785981720437 4.12 USD -
Typical errors in the Income Tax A special thematic issue of the journal hotline accountant. / Tipichnye oshibki pri naloge na pribyl spetsialnyy tematicheskiy vypusk zhurnala "Goryachaya liniya bukhgaltera".
EAN 9785981720499 3.39 USD -
Construction organization accounting and taxation / Stroitelnye organizatsii bukhgalterskiy uchet i nalogooblozhenie
EAN 9785903537013 3.50 USD -
Simplified Tax System, 2006. / Uproshchennaya sistema nalogooblozheniya 2006.
EAN 9785981720369 1.35 USD -
Safety at work abroad. / Okhrana truda za rubezhom Spetsialnyy tematicheskiy vypusk zhurnala "Okhrana truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti"
EAN 9785981720444 2.19 USD -
Accounting for contributions to charter capital. / Uchet vkladov v ustavnyy kapital.
EAN 9785981720550 2.99 USD -
How to establish indicators for quarterly financial statements. / Kak sformirovat pokazateli dlya kvartalnoy bukhgalterskoy otchetnosti.
EAN 9785981720536 3.36 USD -
100 problems and examples of determining the object of taxation / 100 problem i primerov opredeleniya obekta nalogooblozheniya
EAN 9785981720185 1.26 USD -
The combination of accounting and tax accounting. / Sovmeshchenie bukhgalterskogo i nalogovogo uchetov.
EAN 9785981720413 2.28 USD -
Controversial issues of taxation profit tax, VAT, UST, personal income tax. Topical special issue of the journal hotline accountant. / Spornye voprosy nalogooblozheniya Pribyl, NDS, ESN, NDFL. Tematicheskiy spetsvypusk zhurnala "Goryachaya liniya bukhgaltera".
EAN 9785981720406 4.16 USD -
Typical errors in the formation of property tax and land tax Plans to reduce payments / Tipichnye oshibki pri formirovanii naloga na imushchestvo i zemelnogo naloga Skhemy umensheniya vyplat
EAN 9785981720574 2.57 USD -
The composition of expenditure for income tax / Sostav raskhodov dlya rascheta naloga na pribyl
EAN 9785981720505 4.76 USD -
Typical errors in the calculation of VAT. / Tipovye oshibki pri ischislenii NDS.
EAN 9785981720512 4.60 USD