Producer - Newnes
Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C: An Embedded Software Engineering Toolkit
EAN 9781856177078 64.11 USD -
Electrical Engineering: Know It All (Newnes Know It All)
EAN 9781856175289 48.24 USD -
Embedded Systems Design Using the TI MSP430 Series (Embedded Technology)
EAN 9780750676236 70.88 USD -
Voice Over IPv6: Architectures for Next Generation VoIP Networks
EAN 9780750682060 77.38 USD -
Programming 16-Bit PIC Microcontrollers in C, Second Edition: Learning to Fly the PIC 24
EAN 9781856178709 50.34 USD -
Op Amp Applications Handbook (Analog Devices Series)
EAN 9780750678445 76.98 USD