Producer - ФИЗМАТЛИТ
Functional Analysis A Textbook - 4 th ed. Ispra. (Neck) / Funktsionalnyy analiz Uchebnik - 4-e izd.,ispr. (GRIF)
EAN 9785922108041 9.27 USD -
Дискретная математика
EAN 9785922106306 10.29 USD -
Problems and Exercises in Discrete Mathematics Studies. allowance / Zadachi i uprazhneniya po diskretnoy matematike Ucheb. posobie
EAN 9785922104777 9.91 USD -
Lectures on the fundamentals of continuum mechanics Proc. manual for high schools. - (In the region.). / Lektsii po osnovam mekhaniki sploshnoy sredy ucheb. posobie dlya vuzov. - (v obl.).
EAN 9785940521044 3.60 USD -
Elements of linear algebra and analytic geometry based on the package "Mathematica" / Elementy lineynoy algebry i analiticheskoy geometrii na baze paketa "Mathematica"
EAN 9785922107761 22.07 USD -
Physics Reference Guide for entering universities 5 ed Fizika Spravochnoe rukovodstvo dlya postupayushchikh v vuzy 5 izd
EAN 9785922100274 13.96 USD -
Problems in mathematical analysis. Volume 3 / Sbornik zadach po matematicheskomu analizu. Tom 3
EAN 9785922103084 8.18 USD -
Introduction to Applied Discrete Programming models and computational algorithms / Vvedenie v prikladnoe diskretnoe programmirovanie modeli i vychislitelnye algoritmy
EAN 9785922108089 5.70 USD -
Optimal impulse control problems with applications / Optimalnoe impulsnoe upravlenie s prilozheniyami
EAN 9785922103527 28.15 USD -
Rate differential and integral calculus. In 3 Vols Volume 3. / Kurs differentsialnogo i integralnogo ischisleniya. V 3-kh t. Tom 3.
EAN 9785922104661 14.25 USD -
Collected Works Vol.2 / Sobranie trudov T.2
EAN 9785922111195 10.41 USD -
Spectroscopy of low-temperature plasma. 2 nd ed., Corr. and additional / Spektroskopiya nizkotemperaturnoy plazmy. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop
EAN 9785922111720 13.74 USD -
Questions swirl Hydromechanics / Voprosy vikhrevoy gidromekhaniki
EAN 9785922111546 5.75 USD -
Физика. В 5 книгах. Книга 2. Молекулярная физика и термодинамика
EAN 9785922104623 6.38 USD