Manufacture - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Inc.
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Sakhr"s (now, Harf) The Holy Qur"an Old Legacy Version 6.4 - Quran, Quraan, Koran, Koraan, Qoraan, Qoran (The Holy Book of Islam on a CD-ROM) for Windows 3.1, 95, [This is an Older Program (Legacy), may Not be Compatible with Windows 7, Vista, 2000, nor XP]. Windows Arabic Edition NOT Required.
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Royal Blue Neoprene Armband for Apple iPod Touch 4 ( 4g , 16gb , 32 gb ) + Pink Crystal TPU Argyle Skin + No- hands iPod Touch 4th Generation Earphones with microphone + VG Brand Live * Laugh * Love Wrist Band!!!
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