Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow. Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland in Cornish

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781782010951

Брэнд Evertype

Страниц 150

Год выпуска 2015

“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,” jowal bian a lien an flehes, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës in 1865. Trailyansow dhe lies tavas re apperyas dhia an vledhen-na. I’n vledhen 1994 Kesva an Tavas Kernowek a dhyllas versyon a’n whedhel, trailys dhe Gernowek Kebmyn gans Ray Edwards in dadn an tîtel “Alys y’n Vro a Varthusyon”. Darn in mes a’n versyon-na a vëdh gwelys i’n present trailyans (gwelyr folednow 26-27). Remant an lyver-ma yw screfys i’n spellys gelwys Kerowek Standard (KS) pò in Sowsnek Standard Cornish. Yma an spellyans-na ow clena yn stroth orth spellyans tradycyonal an tavas hag yth ywa fonetyk yn tien kefrës. Y fëdh gwelys awoles fatell usy KS owth ûsya sînys diacrîtek a-ugh lytherednow dhe verkya dyffransow in geryow spellys i’n kerth fordh pò dhe dhysqwedhes an sonyow a vogalednow a’s teves moy ès udn leveryans. Abàn yw KS heb dowt vëth an gwella spellyans bythqweth a veu darbarys rag an tavas dasvewys, yma va comendys obma rag oll descoryon hag oll cowsoryon a Gernowek. Y fëdh gwelys i’n lyver-ma an delînyansow a brîs gwrës gans Syr John Tenniel rag an kensa dyllans in Sowsnek. ---- “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, a jewel of children’s literature, was first published in 1865. In that same year translations into numerous languages appeared. Ray Edwards’ version in Common Cornish, “Alys y’n Vro a Varthusyon”, was issued by the Cornish Language Board in 1994. A passage from that translation is incorporated into the present version (see pages 26–27). The re...