Gooth ha Gowvreus. Pride and Prejudice in Cornish
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Yth yw "Gooth ha Gowvreus" an gwella aswonys a whegh novel Jane Austen hag y feu va dyllys in Sowsnek kyns oll i'n vledhen 1813. Talvejys brâs yw an whedhel-ma dre rêson a'n pyctour glew usy ev ow ry a'n bobel ino hag inwedh awos y narracyon gesedhus. Yma an novel ow terivas fatell wrug Elisabet Benet metya gans Mêster Darcy rag an kensa prës hag ev dystowgh dhe vos cas gensy. In folednow an lyver yma hy thybyansow in y gever ow chaunjya tabm ha tabm, ha wàr an dyweth egerys yw dhedhy hy theylu dhe vos in kendon vrâs dhodho ha hy hy honen dh'y estêmya ha'y gara dre rêson a'y dhader, y larjes ha'y lendury. Yma lies character notabyl i'n lyver inwedh, Jane sêmly ha hegar, whor gotha Elisabet; Mêstres Benet aga mabm wocky; ha Lydya wyls ha dygabester, aga whor yonca. In mesk persons hegof erel an whedhel y hyller campolla Mêster Bingly jentyl ha caradow; Mêster Wyckam, sherewa teg y semlant; Wyllyam Collins an pronter wharthus fol ha'y batrones dhyscortes ha casadow, Arlodhes Catheryn de Bourgh. ---- "Pride and Prejudice" is the best known of Jane Austen's six novels, which was first published in 1813. It is highly regarded for the acute description of its characters and because of its ironic style. The novel tells how Elizabeth Bennet meets Mr Darcy and takes an immediate dislike to him. In the course of the story her attitude to him gradually changes and in the end she realizes both that her family is greatly indebted to ...