Der an Gweder Meras ha Myns a Gafas Alys Ena. Through the Looking-Glass in Cornish

Цена 23.30 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781782010968

Страниц 184

Год выпуска 2015

Whedhel a'n hâv yw "Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow" dyllys gans Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) rag an kensa prës in mis Gortheren an vledhen 1865. Yma lies onen a'n bobel hag a'n wharvedhyansow i'n lyver ow pertainya dhe back cartednow. Whedhel a'n gwâv yw "Der an Gweder Meras ha Myns a Gafas Alys Ena", hag y feu dyllys gans Carroll rag an kensa prës in mis Kevardhu 1871. Yth yw pobel ha wharvedhyansow an secùnd whedhel-ma grôndys war wary gwëdhpoll. Y fëdh gwelys i'n lyver-ma delînyansow meurgerys Syr John Tenniel, a omdhysqwedhas rag an kensa prës in dyllans gwredhek an whedhel in Sowsnek. Orth dyweth an lyver y kefyr an wharvedhyans "ankevys" "Gùhien an Fâls-Blew", neb a veu porposys gans Carroll avell radn a Der an Gweder Meras. Nyns esa an darn-na ow plêsya John Tenniel, neb a brovias an delînyansow rag kensa dyllansow an dhew lyver, ha rag hedna y feu va gesys in mes. An pyctour spladn warlergh gis Tenniel usy dhe weles i'n chaptra-ma a veu gwrës gans Ken Leeder in 1977. ---- "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a summer tale published by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) for the first time in July 1865. Many of the characters and adventures in that book have to with a pack of cards. "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There" is a winter tale, which Carroll first published in December 1871. In this second tale, the characters and adventures are based on the gam...