So You Wanna be A Mobster: Get Made, Get Paid, Get Babes

Цена 24.53 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780806528625


Издатель Citadel

Страниц 208

Год выпуска 2008

Have You Ever Dreamed Of... Making your own hours? Owning a topless joint? Flaunting the laws of the land for financial gain? Motivating a gang of burly, brainless thugs to do your bidding? Earning the respect you deserve - or better yet - sporting an undeniable aura of fear? If You Answered Yes To Any Of The Questions Above, We"re Gonna Make You An Offer You Can"t Refuse! Mob know-it-all and popular New York City radio jock Goumba Johnny gives you the lowdown on what it takes to be a wiseguy. And you don"t even have to be Italian or live in a major urban area! Whether you"re in Oatmeal, Nebraska, or Cheeseville, Wisconsin, starting your own Mafia family is a lot easier than you think. With this handy guide, Goumba Johnny shows you the finer points of bookmaking, loan-sharking, detecting wiretaps, corrupting politicians, finding the right mistress or mistresses, and not ending up in the trunk of a Lincoln Town Car. You"ll get the...