Innate Response Formulas, Vitamin D3, 5000 IU, 60 Capsules

Price 34.96 USD

iherb.com34.96 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 51494430026, 811162033894, 882877000846, 884988923373, 5052958374714, 8853353846595

* Vis Medicatrix Naturae * Synergistic Blend of 5000 IU of D3, FoodState K1 and K2 * Vitamin D with K1 & K2 * Dietary Supplement Our Mission We are improving lives every day as leaders in the movement from reactive to proactive natural medicine. FoodState Nutrients FoodState Nutrients start with fresh and local foods. These foods are concentrated with our nutrient preservation process crafting the most complete whole food nutrients.