An Overview Of The Status Of Electronic Commerce In India: E-commerce in India

India with a population of over 1.2 billion,is the largest democracy. During the past decade, it has witnessed fast economic growth emerging as a global player with the world’s fourth largest economy in purchasing power parity terms and made progress towards achieving most of the millenium development goals.Despite many unfavorable factors, India has some strengths also.For example, it has a well-developed financial market that can channelize the financial resources to good use. Being the second most populous country of the world, it derives substantial advantage from its huge consumer market size (ranked 3rd) that allows economies of scale and attracts investments. In view of this, India attracts foreign investors in good number, which is likely to increase further due to the recent decision of the Central Government to allow FDI in multi-brand retail. All these factors have direct bearing on e-commerce. In this book, author has tried to analyse various aspects that are likely to affect the growth of e-commerce in India.