Role of HR Practices in Employee Retention: To Study New Technique of Retention
Price 46.00 - 86.48 USD
Market trends are changing very rapidly and with this change, organizations have realized the fact that keeping the quality and right number of work force could give them competitive advantage over their competitors. The relation between HRM and retention of employees is the old one. Past few years has been the most critical and tensed period for the telecommunication sector in Pakistan regarding the retention of employees. The study of role of H.R. practices in employee retention was based on a survey of employees of a telecommunication sector i.e. PTCL and the employees of PTCL call centre and others were surveyed as well. This research has also been conducted to study the technique of the employee retention i.e. job sculpting. The result depicts the positive relation between the HR variables and employee retention and reveals that if employer designs jobs for their employees especially for the experienced ones by keeping employee’s interest, expertise, skills in mind then employee works with more interest and try to gives his/her 100% in their job.