Study of Rasasindura Ointment in Management of Eczema: Standardization & Clinical Study

The present work aimed at standardization of Rasasindura Ointment and evaluation of its efficacy in Eczema (Vicharchika). Rasasindura was prepared in 3 batches according to reference of text Rasatarangini. Its ointment was prepared using Sesame oil and Bees wax as base. Standardization of Raw materials (Mercury & Sulphur), In process standardization and final product (Rasasindura & its ointment) was carried out as per pharmacopeial standards. Ointment was then assessed for it activity in patients of Eczema. For this 30 patients having classical symptoms of Eczema were recruited & followed up up to 6 weeks. After statistical analysis it was concluded that the drug showed moderately significant results in signs & symptoms of Eczema & safe.