The Deadly Monster (Collins Big Cat Progress)

Jack and Sam think their school trip to the Ancient Greece Museum is boring, until they see a glowing statue ...Finding themselves whisked away to fight a deadly monster, suddenly Ancient Greece doesn"t seem so dull after all. This exciting graphic novel by Linda Chapman is brought to life with illustrations from Dylan Coburn. * Collins Big Cat Progress builds confidence, helping struggling pupils not only to read, but to love reading * Dual-banded books provide age-appropriate interest level material matched with a lower reading ability level * Every book is levelled by reading expert Cliff Moon to ensure precise, systematic, measurable progression to help close the ability gap * The books use a range of reading strategies: phonic, graphic, syntactic and contextual to build confident, accurate, fluent readers * Designed to build speaking and listening skills, as well as reading skills, the books are highly visual and include incredible illustrations and photographs * Every book has a Key Stage 2 look-and-feel to engage older pupils and avoid stigmatisation * Topics are relevant for children in years 3-6 and connected to the curriculum and framework objectives for these years to support inclusion * Progress titles contain a Reader Response page to encourage the pupil to respond to and recall what they have read. This offers an ideal opportunity to check comprehension * Ideas for Reading, written by primary literacy expert Gill Howell are included in the back of every book to help you support the reading needs of each child