God"s Salvation in Jesus Christ: Justification by faith

This book makes accessible to everyone the fundamental doctrines that every Christian should know. Because it connects them in a very clear and very simple way, one has only to know how to read to understand what is learned in three years of Bible school. The problem that God had to resolve to save the sinner was really complex: Because of his justice and holiness, God cannot bear the presence of the sinner; but because of his love, he cannot accept the eternal death of those that he created. So, it is in Christ that God has decided to solve this thorny problem: Because Jesus Christ has both the divine nature and human nature, in Christ God reconciles man to Himself. In Christ, the believer is clothed with Christ. God no longer sees him as a sinner, but he sees Christ and His righteousness. And because the believer is in Christ, he is dead and risen with him, and he is now seated with Christ in the presence of God; this is what the resurrection of the dead will manifest a vividly when Christ returns. This is the simplest book ever written on this subject.