Tao-Shukokairyu: The Definitive Martial Art

The writer is a university and schools coach and a Halls of Fame martial artist. He is Keeper of the Styles in two martial arts and one has been submitted as a doctorate. He has been active for years in different countries, and knows what martial artists contend with in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fields. He owns a Homeopathy, Psychology and QiGong practice, and is fascinated by the Taoist Arts. Eight active years in the commandos fuelled his interest in hoplology (combative systems), and holistic systems. Out of these experiences grew intrigue with fine tuning the body, and understanding the disorders which impede martial performance. At present he is deeply involved in a 10 year+ study of how older people can develop totally new neural pathways, to overrule established ones. Muay Thai is the vehicle being used, with daily training, a world champion, and a medical doctor involved. This book is a history, and part description, of Tao- Shukokairyu. The martial art offers a complete lifestyle, including 40 years of study, with much of it at university level. It is a Budo, rather than a Bugei, system. Not for the faint-hearted!