Geothermal Energy: Status of Geothermal Energy in East African Rift System (EARS)

Regardless of the undoubtedly high geothermal potential in the region as a clean, renewable and environmental friendly energy source, geothermal resources in the East African Rift region are still largely unexploited today. With an estimated regional target of more than 10,000 MWe for geothermal energy potential development, only Kenya is current generating a total of about 200 MWe for electricity and direct use application while Ethiopia utilise 7 MWe mainly in direct use application such as agriculture and agro-industries. Countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Eritrea and Djibouti are located in the area of massive geothermal potential of the East African Rift System but are still in exploration phase. Lack of adequately trained personnel, modern geophysical exploration instruments and awareness in public and policy makers about geothermal matters are the main problems hindering the exploitation of such resources. Identification of local needs and training requirements in this book with regarding to government commitments of the individual countries and facilitating institution like ICS-UNIDO and UNU-GTP will accelerate the geothermal development in the region in the near future.