Analysis of existing Salvage shops of Shekh Para in Khulna City: Importance of Salvage activities in Bangladesh
Price 64.00 - 69.79 USD
This book has described the Salvage activities in Bangladesh. Salvage activities play important role in national and local economy. But the unplanned Salvage activities make serious problems. Here clearly described the process salvage business, its forward and backward linkage and importance. Total Salvage shop in Shekh Para is 182. Nine types of shops like Battery, Bottle/Glass, Electric wire, Iron pipe, Iron Rods & goods, Iron sheet, Iron wire, Tin broken & plastic and Wood shops contains this number. It’s a profitable business and also sustainable resource management procedure. But socio-economic conditions of Salvors have been affected by the mismanagement procedure, not only the study area but the city’s overall condition is same. If the true and appropriate steps are not applied just now it would turn to a hazard for the society in our country, because Salvage activities are now progressive business.