Quality of life of Employees in Flori-culture Industry: Statistical Analysis of Quality of life of Employees in Floriculture Industry: A case study of the Herberg Rose Ethiopia

It may be needed to have different studies on the recently boomed flower industry; specifically with issues concerning the employees and their employment status,the quality of life and well-being, new investment directions and economic impacts. With the significant growth in the Flori-culture industry, it is important to undertake a study like this to gauge the impact the industry has had and assess whether increased employment and expansion of the Flori-culture industry is having a positive impact on the lives of farm employees (and their families) and the development of the communities around the farms. In this study, a stratified random sampling method was employed to select a representative employees from The Herberg Rose Ethiopia and Multivariate statistical method is used in the Analysis. Moreover the finding of this work will provide valuable information to all concerned bodies specifically stakeholders associated with Flori-culture industry about the different factors influencing the quality of life of employees, the working environment and productivity in the sector.