Production potential of summer mungbean cultivars in India: Effect of sowing date and seeding rate on growth,yield and quality of summer mungbean cultivars in India

A field experiment entitled “Effect of sowing date and seeding rate on growth, yield and quality of summer mungbean cultivars” was conducted at Tirhut College of Agriculture, Agronomy Farm, Dholi of Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar in during 2006. The growth parameter recorded at different growth stages exhibited the influence of different treatments. Significant influence of seed rate and varieties on height were recorded till grand growth phase (60 DAS). Number of branches was also positively influenced by date of sowing and cultivars whereas increase in seed rate recorded reduced number of branches. The effective leaves per plant was significantly and positively influenced by early sowing (25th March) but seed rate could not influence in definite direction. 10th April sowing had significant and positive effect on dry matter accumulation till 60 DAS and cultivar Samart recorded to be most efficient in dry matter production.