Chess Jewish Encyclopedia

This book is addressed to anyone interested in chess and their history. In your hands a unique collection of the fate of people born under the star of David and enthusiastic better of games created in the history of mankind. The people who gave the world an artist of genius nicks and musicians, writers and scientists, politicians and religious leaders, left brightest trace in chess. In total, more than 1350 Encyclopedia of personalities, including not only outstanding players but also coaches, journalists, historians, organizations tori - that is, all those who served and is in Kearney chikami huge intellectual pyramid called chess. "Chess Jewish Encyclopedia" - a visible confirmation of the FIDE motto "Gens una sumus ». The author and the main initiator of the project, GM Igor Berdichevsky managed infect the idea of a fundamental work of many historians of chess from Australia to North America. It is thanks to their selfless efforts of a couple of lines having scheysya his information sometimes turned into the present yaschuyu mini-saga! In this book the reader thinking quite able to learn many of the world processes, inseparably connected with Jewish culture of XIX and XX centuries. Deluxe Edition (205 × 265 mm).