Impact Of Corporate Governance on Value Creation: in Fashion Garments & Textile Industry of Pakistan

The theme for my thesis on which I have conducted research on, is about the upshots of corporate governance of an organization on the process of creating value while specifically converging on the fashion apparel textile industry of Pakistan. Corporate governance refers to the ways in which a company is controlled by an organizational body by employing ethnicity, laws, norms and policies within the company in order to offer a specific direction and an approach to accomplish the ultimate goal to generate value for the company and the stakeholders. Stakeholders are typically the shareholders, the board of directors, employees, customers, creditors and suppliers of a company and then the community in general. The interactions between the proprietors, executive management, board of directors and other actors direct the effectiveness of the board towards generating value. The decision making culture, headship of the board and customs and norms strategizing reflects the behavior/conduct of boards and thus the corporate governance of a company leading to entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility issues and value creation.